
Family. Pain.

It's been awhile since I have written. Clearly. Between med changes and life changes it always seems impossible to keep steady footing. What gets left in the dust? The creative stuff. My writing, my art, my music. Even my journaling slowed way down and that is unheard of. I enjoy writing because for the most …

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Journals and diaries have been my sacred land since I was a child. Well, since around 8 or 9 years old. Even at such a young age I think part of me understood that without proper documentation of each day's happenings I wasn't sure I would know what was real and what wasn't. Maybe I …

Continue reading Maybe.

Wow, you’re dramatic.

The leaves are starting to change colors. The ones the forest describes as the go-getters. The leaves who decide they are done with summer and wish to end their existence on a path or sidewalk somewhere. The cool breeze in the mornings is a surprise that I never asked for. It would be considered a …

Continue reading Wow, you’re dramatic.

Let us introduce ourselves..

Well, well, well.. if it isn't the blog post we've been hesitating to write. Why? No reason. Just haven't felt like participating in anything that involves expressing our inner lives I guess. We started this blog many many years ago, however, with school and work and life we have not kept up. I (Jackie) is …

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